Frequently Asked Questions
How can I join the Academy?
The Academy’s mission is to make clinical information about medical aid in dying available to all clinicians. Membership organizations are typically fee based, with membership providing special privileges — which would be contradictory to our mission. The Academy, then, is a non-membership organization, welcoming all clinicians and others who are interested in the clinical aspects of medical aid in dying. Please join our Listserve for Information and Updates , and feel free to contact us with any questions about the clinical aspects of medical aid in dying.
How is the Academy funded?
Startup funding for the Academy came from funds remaining from the National Clinicians Conference on Medical Aid in Dying. Continued functioning of the Academy requires donations, which are kindly accepted online and by check (all fully tax deductible). The Boards that run and advise the Academy are all unpaid positions, but operating costs can be extensive. Thank you for your kind donations.
I’m a patient considering medical aid in dying. How can I find a doctor to help me?
The Academy provides an active Patient-to-Doctor Referral System. Please use that link for more information or to participate.
I’m a doctor who would like to provide aid-in-dying services to patients. How can I be on your referral list?
The Academy provides an active Patient-to-Doctor Referral System, with an anonymous list of participating physicians. Please use this link for more information or to sign up for our confidential referral system.