Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Jasper Schmidt, MD

Chair, Board of Directors

Michael Blake

Treasurer, Board of Directors

Kevin Malone, JD

Secretary, Board of Directors

Douglas Simpson

Member, Board of Directors

Sonia Levingston, MD

Member, Board of Directors

Lisa Stolarczyk, MD

Member, Board of Directors

Rachel Baker, MCP

Member, Board of Directors

Sonny Vukic, MBA, PT

Member, Board of Directors

Section Directors

Lonny Shavelson, MD

Director of Education. Editor, Journal of Aid-in-Dying Medicine

Thalia DeWolf, RN, CHPN

Nursing Education and Hospice Outreach Coordinator

Janie Rakow, End of Life Doula

Director of Doula Education

Chris Fruitrich

Volunteer Education Coordinator

Lynette Cederquist, MD

Co-Director, Academy Ethics Consultation Service

Cindy Bruzzese, MPA, MSB, HEC-C

Co-Director, Academy Ethics Consultation Service

Angelique Loscar, MBA

Director of Data Management and Analysis

Anita Hannig, PhD

Director of Social and Historical Research

Catherine Sonquist Forest, MD MPH FAAFP

Academy Liaison to the United Kingdom

Artemis Brod, BA, MA, PhD

Associate Editor, Journal of Aid-in-Dying Medicine. Editor, Ethics Consultation Service

Debra Dunn, RN, MSN, MBA, CNOR

Academy Logistics Manager

Teaching and supporting best practices for the care of patients considering or completing medical aid in dying.

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