(NOTE: This should be checked before prescribing medications, and again close to the aid-in-dying date. Conditions change.)

  • Gut issues:
    • Severe cachexia and/or prolonged time with no oral nutrition—associated with duodenal villous atrophy and poor med absorption.
    • Gastroparesis (delayed gastric emptying)
      • Poorly controlled nausea/vomiting = gastroparesis
      • Anticholinergic medications (Compazine, Haldol, Benadryl, hyoscyamine, others) may improve central nausea, but they risk increasing gastroparesis
    • Severe constipation/obstipation
    • Partial or complete bowel obstructions.
    • GI disease, including pancreatic cancer, colon cancers, hepatic metastases
    • Tense ascites (peritoneal metastases and/or portal hypertension with concomitant bowel edema. For tense ascites, consider paracentesis the day before aid in dying.
  • Swallowing concerns:
    • Too weak to actively swallow
    • Oropharyngeal or esophageal obstruction, even if partial
    • Intolerance to swallowing bitter or bad-tasting liquids.
  • Medication-related concerns:
    • Very high opiate or benzo tolerance. Consider increasing diazepam and/or phenobarbital dosage in DDMAPh. There is probably no benefit in increasing the morphine dosage.
  • General Factors:
    • Obesity
    • Extreme exercise history/cardiac fitness, even if remote in time.
    • Young,  <55 years, or very healthy other than the primary cause of death
    • Brain cancers — primary or metastatic
  • Mental Health Concerns:
    • IV (or other) substance abuse disorder, recent or remote (may have inconsistent/incomplete  drug-use reporting)
    • Waxing and waning mental capacity, and/or ability to follow instructions.