Data on the presence of an aid-in-dying clinician on the aid-in-dying day:

(MD, PA, NP, nurse, social worker, hospice chaplain, trained volunteer, aid-in-dying experienced end-of-life doula)


83% Clinician attended
17% No clinician present

State Health Department Reports


(15% of Washington cases have absent data on attendance, some are assumed to have been attended, thus “>” in the 72% attended)

End of Life Washington and State Health Department Reports


41% attended
8% not attended
51% not reported
(Assuming that at least some of the “not reported” were attended, the percentage attended is likely to be >50%)

Department of Public Health Report

New Mexico

New Mexico’s Department of Health does not collect data about aid-in-dying death attendance.
97% of deaths reported to End of Life Options New Mexico were attended by the prescribing physician.

American Clinicians Academy on Medical Aid in Dying, Death Reports (multiple states, >400 reports)

90% clinician attended
10% not attended

66% attended by MD, RN, NP, PA, hospice chaplain.
24% attended by trained volunteer or end-of-life doula.

District of Columbia

DC Health does not collect data on attended deaths.


Colorado’s Department of Public Health and Environment does not collect any data about attended deaths, nor does any organization in the state.


Vermont’s Department of Public Health does not collect any data about attended deaths, nor does any organization in the state.


Montana’s Department of Public Health and Human Services does not collect data on medical aid in dying.

New Jersey

New Jersey’s Office of the Chief State Medical Examiner provides an annual aid-in-dying report. It does not include information about attended or unattended deaths.


Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services does not collect data about attended deaths, nor does any organization in the state.
Anecdotal reports from leading Maine aid-in-dying clinicians estimates that 2/3 of deaths are attended.


Hawaii’s State Department of Health does not collect data about attended deaths.
A leading Hawaii aid-in-dying clinician states: “To the best of knowledge virtually every death in Hawaii in the last two years has been attended by Hospice personnel — either nurse or MD.”