About the Academy

The Academy of Aid-in-Dying Medicine advances, teaches, and supports best clinical practices for expert, attentive care of patients considering or completing medical aid in dying.

The Academy of Aid-in-Dying Medicine is the foremost source of evidence-based best-practice information and teaching for clinicians working with patients considering or completing medical aid in dying. While other aid-in-dying organizations are involved in advocacy and legislative lobbying for new states to pass aid-in-dying laws, the Academy is the leading national organization that advances, teaches, and supports clinicians to provide expert, attentive care in the states where the practice is now legal.

The Academy of Aid-in-Dying Medicine grew from what was initially the American Clinicians Academy on Medical Aid in Dying. That organization originated after the remarkably successful 2020 National Clinicians Conference on Medical Aid in Dying, at UC Berkeley, which was followed by the even more successful 2023 National Clinicians Conference on Medical Aid in Dying, in Portland, Oregon.

In January 2025, we changed our name to the Academy of Aid-in-Dying Medicine, and launched the website you’re now enjoying. Our growth has been literally exponential since our 2020 initiation. We are now, unquestionably, the largest, most informative, most innovative national organization focused on the clinical aspects of aid-in-dying care.

We offer extensive continuing education materials, information, mentoring, and resources in the field of aid-in-dying medicine. We’re developing the first full curricula for teaching aid-in-dying care — to 11 clinical end-of-life fields, from doctors to doulas. Stay tuned for the early 2026 release of our Learning Pathways to Aid-in-Dying Medicine.

The Academy remains focused on informing and educating clinicians about medical aid in dying, from clinical discussions to evidence-based knowledge, from nursing care to the work of volunteers at the bedside, from medical ethics to pharmacology, and much more.

23% of the U.S. population now has access to medical aid in dying, so it is a significant part of terminal patients’ end-of-life options. This growth has motivated clinicians to seek knowledge about best clinical practices. The Academy is the major resource for these dedicated clinicians: doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains, clinical ethicists, pharmacists, hospices and more. We teach and inform about everything from prognoses to pharmacology, from the role of hospice teams to evaluations of decision-making capacity, or what “self-administration” means in the real world.

We advocate open and accessible information, so all clinicians and interested parties are welcome to every aspect of the Academy’s work.

The Academy is funded by generous donations from patients and their families, aid-in-dying clinicians, and end-of-life organizations. We welcome all donations to support our efforts and services.

Teaching and supporting best practices for the care of patients considering or completing medical aid in dying.

Donate to the Academy