Over the past 3 years, the Academy has provided online video education sessions, offering continuing education credits to nurses, social workers, and physicians without charge — although it is expensive for the Academy to produce and accredit these videos.

We will continue to provide our videos without charge so that all can watch and learn from them. However, for those who wish to receive continuing education credits/certificates, we must now cover our increased expenses by charging $10/unit-hour for nurses and social workers, $15 for physicians.

We’d like to know the possible effects of that change, as per the few questions below. Thank you in advance for providing your information.

Continuing Education Credit Poll

What is your profession?
Have you watched any of the Academy's educational videos?
If you have watched the Academy's videos, after watching them you…
If you watched and learned from Academy education videos in the past, how strongly did the free credit component influence your decision to do so?
If the Academy charges $10/credit-hour for nurses and social workers, $15 for physicians, you will…